A Tale of Three Wednesdays
Wed 1/6/21 - Attack on the US Capitol
Wed 1/13/21 - Impeachment of President Trump
Wed 1/20/21 - Inauguration of President Biden
Wow! The Capitol building has seen a lot over the last 15 days! I will leave it to the pundits to share perspectives on the politics of our country right now. But I do want to take a moment to reflect on the concept of a peaceful transfer of power. We take so many things for granted in life and in America. But there are places in the world where not everyone has the right to vote, where rulers maintain control for decades, and where dissent, disagreement, and protest are crimes. For all our challenges and divides, we should remember that what makes America great is that everyone is entitled to their own opinion and perspective. [What we are not entitled to is violence and anarchy]. We educate ourselves about the issues and the candidates, we vote at the ballot box, and then we hope for the best for whoever wins the election. It is not about any person or party. It is about the American People. It is about the American Democracy.
Every four years, when we get to Inauguration Day, it always gets me. The pomp and circumstance, the songs, and flags, the traditions and ceremonies. It always feels hopeful, like Opening Day of the baseball season, even if the person in office is not the one for whom I voted. Because the very act of inaugurating a President signifies that the Union is still strong, that Democracy is still alive and well. As the confetti is swept away and we get back to the daily business of trying to keep America strong and safe, I wonder how long this inspiration and feeling of unity and hope will last. Will we descend right back to division, cynicism, opposition, and mistrust? Or will we debate the issues, try to understand each other's perspectives, fears, and hopes, and then work together to help people? We have all heard politicians from both sides say things like "these are not Red states and Blue states, these are the United States." But I feel like so many of them, on both sides, are so worried about fundraising and reelection that they often lack the courage to vote for their convictions. And so many of us, average Americans, fall too easily into an Us vs. Them mentality where compromise, cooperation, and unity are not the goals; winning is. I know not everyone feels inspired on Inauguration Day. There are elections where our candidate wins and others where they lose. And it can feel disappointing or scary if our view does not prevail. But somehow I always feel it on Inauguration Day, no matter who wins, because I believe in American at its best; not its worst.
It will take time and hard work to start to heal this country right now. We need to heal from the Pandemic. We need to heal from the Political and Social Justice unrest. We need to heal our economy. But I choose Hope over Despair. I choose Unity over Division. I choose Pulling closer over Pushing away. May Hashem watch over this country and guide its leaders to make wise decisions that will bring healing, unity, and prosperity to all. May we appreciate this great Democracy and never take it for granted. May we seek to listen and understand rather than argue and convince. And may we remember that we are all Americans.
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