Wednesday, January 17, 2018

My Grandparents' 1st Yartzeit

This week marks one year since both of my father's dear parents passed away within 5 days of each other in January 2017. As you can imagine, burying two grandparents in one week, and seeing my father sit shiva for both of his parents at once, was not easy. My grandparents lived long lives and had much to be proud of. Looking back now, a year later, their absence is still painful, but I am filled with wonderful memories and am shaped by the core values they passed down to us. How lucky I was to have two such grandparents and that my own children knew them as well. On this 1st yartzeit here is a summary of some of the reflections I shared about them at their funerals:

Grandpa (Yisrael Ben Haskel Mendel HaLevi) - 25th Tevet

"Mi Ha'Ish Hachefetz Chaim Ohev Yamin Lirot Tov - Who is the man who values his life? The one who loves his days to see the good."

What a life you led, Grandpa. Immigrating from Russia to America, working your way through pharmacy school, marrying the love of your life, fighting in World War Two, owning your own pharmacy on the Lower East Side, and raising your two boys to be committed Jews. 
It is hard to believe that you are gone, though we were so blessed to have had you for 103 years. 

I learned so much from you. You always taught me to give 110% to whatever I did. You would say, "whatever you decide to study in school and to do for a career, do it to the best of your ability." You showed us what work ethic meant and built Levitt Pharmacy with years of dedication and hard work. You believed deeply in education and were always so proud to hear of our progress. You even used to emphasize to me how important it was to sit up straight with good posture.

You also taught us to be proud Jews, standing up for Israel (your Hebrew name) and for Jews in need.  And of course, you are the reason we are a family of proud Leviim. You and Grandma supported the Chafetz Chaim yeshiva in so many ways. You gave your sons a Jewish education. When I would visit you in NY and we would go to shul together you would always tell me how much it bothered you that people around you in shul were talking. I also remember the army stories you would tell us about having to stand up against an antisemitic officer. You would read the Jewish Press each week and follow Israeli news closely.

I loved hearing your many stories, especially when they would crack you up. I can still hear your laugh. But every lesson had not only a punch line but a lesson as well, usually about doing the right thing.

You loved Grandma more than anything else and saw your self as her protector and provider. And you had such pride in your sons and grandchildren. I hope we will continue to make your proud as well. You used to walk with a bit of a side to side waddle, something I seem to have been the only Levitt to inherit, but when I think of you I think of someone who always carried himself with dignity. I hope I will follow in those footsteps as well.

Every Friday you would take pleasure in giving each of us Brachot over the phone. I can still hear the sing song way you would recite the Yevarechecha. This taught us how much we were loved and how much we should love each other. But the truth is that just having you as our Grandpa was the biggest bracha of all.

Grandma (Minna Bat Sarah) - Rosh Chodesh Shvat

"Minhah (Minna) Meitzar Karati Kah Anani B'merchav Kah - From the narrow place I called out to God who answered me with the Divine Expanse." (Psalm 118:5)

How do we say goodbye to both you and Grandpa in the same week?
You and Grandpa were married for 75 years! He was your protector and you were his Eishet Chayil. You would share one glass of seltzer together. And you would walk arm in arm. And yet, when Grandpa said something you disagreed with you would say with a smile "Irving, don't talk." Oh, can I see that smile of yours and hear that laugh. You loved to laugh and your joy was contagious.

You always cared about others. You were a tireless volunteer for so many organizations. Together with your mother you did so much for the Chofetz Chaim yeshiva (whose sisterhood is named after your mother Sarah Gordon to this day). You also would look after individuals from shul or down the block to make sure they were ok. You would go to many shiurim and had much respect for Rabbis. And wherever you would go you would make new friends. 

But you cared even more about Family. Your parents lived in the apartment above you and you would take care of them. I have many fond memories of driving over the river and through the woods to grandmother's house for Thanksgiving, where all the extended family of uncles, aunts, cousins would gather in your home to celebrate together. Your home was always the place that brought people together. Shalom Bayit was so important to you. I remember you telling us the story of your father Abe (for whom I am named) who gave up his stake in the family business rather than allow it to create a rift in the family. You loved all of us grandchildren and our spouses, and had such joy in all of your grandchildren and great grandchildren (all of us equally and in our own unique way). I am so glad my kids knew you - what a bracha to know your great grandparents.

The way my father and mother showed you Kibbud Av V'em is a model for me to follow. Abba would call you every day and say "Hello Mama Shayna!" And Ima would always look out for you and check in on you.

I always felt close to you Grandma. You would let me be a kid in your house (banging pots, spinning the coffee table...). You would sing, laugh, tell stories. And you were the most amazing cook (Kreplach, Sweet Potato Pie, Cole Slaw...). I used to love walking to shul arm in arm with you on Yom Tov when you would visit. Even last Thursday when you clearly weren't well you gave me a smile and a wink when you came out and saw me sitting at the kitchen table.

"Sheker Hachein V'hevel Hayofi Isha Yirat Hashem Hi Takum." Grandma, you had Yofi and Chen, but you were also a Yirat Hashem. You would bless the shabos food before eating it with the words "Lechavod Shabbes Kodesh," and, although Grandpa usually gets the attention for giving brachot the truth is that you gave the most beautiful heartfelt brachot as well. Any Goodness, Joy and Humor, Emunah that we have comes from you. We will do our best to live our lives and to raise our children to be like you.

Every Havdalah, Grandma, you would close your eyes, say goodbye to shabbos, and bless the coming week with the Gut Fun Avraham...
Grandma, I don't know how to say goodbye to you. All I can say is: 

"Az D'Liba Heiligeh BUBBY Kodesh Geit Avec" - we will do our best to honor you by living lives of "Tzum Maasim Tovim Und Tzum Allen Gutten Amen"