Monday, October 7, 2013

"Let Me Give You The Bracha" - Grandpa's 100th Birthday

Yesterday was a big day in the Levitt family. About 50 relatives from around the country gathered to celebrate my Grandpa Levitt's 100th birthday. It was a beautiful party, with children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren paying tribute to the patriarch of the family.

I looked up what the world looked like in 1913. The Czar was still in power and World War I was about to break out. The average life span was only 52 and the 16th Amendment (federal income tax) was 1st introduced. My grandfather has certainly lived through a lot, to say the least. And he didn't just live through it. He was part of it, having served his country in World War II fighting in the Battle of the Bulge.

My grandfather immigrated to this country as a young boy from Russia, and lived the American dream. He worked hard, became a pharmacist, and put in long hours at Levitt Pharmacy for many years. He found an amazing woman to marry and together they raised my father and my uncle. Sitting there at the party yesterday, together with an extended and devoted family, it was amazing to think of how far he had come.

My favorite moment of the party was when Grandpa gave everyone a big Bracha (blessing). Because Grandpa is famous for his Bracha. Every time any of us speak to him he always says "let me give you the bracha." And he blesses us, whether in person or over the phone, with the words from the Friday night blessing that parents give their children. My father has carried on this tradition of blessing each of his children and grandchildren, and we are each carrying it on with our kids as well.

I was wondering what gift you can give to someone when they turn 100. At the party there were nice tributes and gifts presented. But I think the best gift we can give Grandpa is for him to see that we are carrying on his legacy of hard work, of respect, of devotion to family. That we are taking all his Brachot and passing them on.

Happy Birthday Grandpa. May Hashem continue to bless you and Grandma with good health and nachat. And may we merit to continue receiving and passing on your Brachot for many years to come.

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