Thursday, June 13, 2013

My Most Important Students

Six years ago today Hashem blessed us with the birth of our twins, Rina and Simcha. On one level it seems like so long ago, when you think of all the memories, the diapers changed, bottles fed, and bruises kissed. And on the other hand it feels like just yesterday. Suffice it today that June 13th, 2007 (like the 613 mitzvot) will always be one of the happiest days of our lives.

It's amazing to see them grow up, not only physically, but in every way. They are so smart, so funny, and already you can see their unique personalities and middot tovot developing. It's also amazing to see how their older sister Shira is growing, both as a big sister, and as a young woman in her own right (about to enter High School!). We feel blessed to be on this incredible journey, even with its twists and turns, and are so grateful to Hashem for everything.

I once heard from Rabbi JJ Shachter that sometimes mechanchim (Jewish educators) work so hard to inspire and teach those around them that they take for granted that their most important students, their own children, will follow as well. And that is why Hashem had to remind Avraham ״כי ביצחק יקרא לך זרע״ - "Your ancestry will come through Yitzchak." I hope and pray that Hashem will continue to guide us in raising our children the right way, and that we remember that the lessons we teach at home are the most powerful lessons of all.

So I guess the lesson of this post is to appreciate everything you have, to buckle up for the journey, and to remember that we are all teachers, all of the time. The question is, will we put in the time to prepare great lessons?

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